I'm probably seriously late in the game here, but I just discovered the coolness that is Groupon. For those who don't know, Groupon is a website that works on the concept of "collective buying power." They find a company that'll let customers try something at a much lower price than usual if enough people want to buy it. Yesterday, for instance, one of the Groupon deals was for pole dancing lessons at New York Pole Dancing. Now, normally, an intro class here costs $25. But with the Groupon offer, I was able to get two classes for just $24! Thanks to my friend Janine for clueing me in on this deal because I have been dying to take this class forever but just found it way too expensive. There are so many different deals you can get on Groupon, from discounted Fresh Direct deliveries to affordable massages. But I am absolutely thrilled with my lessons! First step to becoming this woman:
Ok, I suppose it will take me pleeeeeeenty of steps to become a champion pole dancer like Laurence Hilsum, but a girl's gotta start somewhere right?
this is really interesting. i signed up. of course there are no discounts on anything in my area because virginia beach/norfolk are...well...not with it. :) but i signed up all the same.
You never know!!! One day when you have a trip to NY scheduled, some reaaaally sick deal will come up, and you will be so glad you did!
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