Where have I been that I didn't know that Erickson Beamon has done a collaboration with Target? I thought Sonu had a brilliant idea when she said it after my Erickson Beamon post, but this collection actually exists!
I fell in love with this cuff BUT 2 problems:
- Cuffs NEVER fit me. My wrist is too small.
- Reviews for this cuff are BAD. The gems and flower have apparently fallen off for several customers. Oh well. It's not available anyway.

I quite like this charm-bracelet-on-crack. I like that it's totally overloaded with charms, and how it's rocking those two massive gems. I especially like how it only costs $29.99!

Special mention goes to these earrings. They're apparently quite large but hey, no one buys Erickson Beamon for their understated appeal right?

lol I know right? I just discovered it a week ago myself...I love his bubble necklace (search it if you haven't!), but it's all sold out too! Luckily they might restock as you can sign up online for a wait list (versus the mcqueen collection where once it's gone, it's gone!).....
I think the cuff would look good on you, but the dainty wrist thing is definitely an issue. I superglued ribbon across the inside back of one I got from F21 to stop it from falling off my hand....the ribbon was the same color as the cuff and it was a good workaround...something I'd only do to a cheapo cuff though :-))
x x x x
Sonu you genius you! By the way I got 2 other McQueen dresses that you ordered so I'll just ship that with your VS & coasters!
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