Foiled! Foiled again, I say. I've been trying to find a black tiered and ruffled mini for months now. I thought the search had ended when I laid eyes on this cute chiffon tutu skirt on the Topshop website but alas, I was too late. Only sizes 6, 8 and 10 left. Grrrrr!!!!

I searched high and low but couldn't find anything similar. These are the times when I wish I were in the Philippines because I'd just have the damn thing made ... The only other ruffled skirt I found was this ruffle miniskirt by Mason by Michelle Mason, but with it's $308 pricetag, I think not.

If I was gonna spend a bunch of cash on a skirt, I'd spend it on maybe this gorgeous skirt by Swedish denim company Acne Jeans. It's not ruffled but it's beautiful AND on sale for $199 from $398!

Another very special (but still non-ruffled—sob!) skirt worth a few bucks is this Modern Gallica skirt from Anthropologie. Would be fun for a dressy night out. It's not cheap at $198 but I think it's worth the cash for all that draping.

Too cute, I love the Acne Jeans one and the one from anthropologie! I have to add the anth one to my try-on list when I see you next :-))
I just found the Acne one on sale at for $139!!! It doesn't look as good styled on their site as it does on revolve though....but the color is gorgeous!!
oooh, you must have seen this in your browsing, how cute is it??
x x x
search anth: Swag Skirt (style #920036)....there was also a brown ruffled one, but not quite what you are looking for I think....(spin-spin-spin skirt style #923018)
Yes I saw the Swag skirt! SUPER cute. Urban has a bunch of cute skirts right now too but I really have to slam the brakes on this shopping thing. The visa's carrying a heavy burden :-(
ha ha you and me both! You see the direct impact of visa allowing me to spend their money temporarily!!
Just by looking at that pricey Mason ruffled skirt reminds me of my hot pink sequined ruffled babydoll top that I got from a tiangge here in the Philippines! :P
The ruffled layers are so the same. On the other hand, I have a hard time pulling [the top] off. :-S
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