Happy St. Paddy's Day! Not one fiber in my body is Irish but I celebrated anyway with some girlfriends at Wilfie & Nell, where the requisite corned beef came in a sandwich with some melted gruyere, and red pickled cabbage slaw on the side. It took me awhile to bite into mine as I was waiting for the novocaine from a 4PM dentist appointment to wear off. When it finally did, I was rewarded with one delicious sandwich. It was a cheap night too; 2 beers and a sandwich cost me all of $25, already including the tip. Loving the luck of the Irish!

Hi Cel! This has no connection to St. Paddy's whatsoever :), but I remembered your post on Tilda Swinton, so I wanted to share this:
The girls at the site didn't like it, but I think the cover rocks!
Oops, sorry, naputol. The last part of the link is /fug_the_cover/ :)
Thanks for the link Bernice! I LOVE the cover. I love Tilda! I totally voted AWESOME on their polls haha!
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