Strange, intriguing and true. Our Japanese friends have recreated my favorite chocolate, Kit Kat, in a green tea flavor. I ended up having it for breakfast out of sheer curiosity.
It tastes similar to the white chocolate Kit Kat (verrry sweet) except with a hint of green tea flavor—very much like how a green tea frappuccino from Starbucks would taste. Very interesting and worth a try, though the original Kit Kat retains its special place in my heart.
they've actually been around for a time now! since 2005 i think...
Really?!?! Never seen them before. Are they widely available in Asia or have I completely ignored them in the US?
Oh I got to try Green Tea KitKat in Japan.. Yea I think they've been around for quite some time but only in Japan... I also got to try the Japanese Chestnut, Strawberry and Milk and Cream (kinda like cookies and cream) versions... My friend says there's also a grape version.... I wonder how that would taste like...:)
Japanese Chestnut, Strawberry and Milk and Cream sound really good! A friend of mine said there's also pineapple! Pineapple and grape, I'm not so sure I'd like :-s
where did u buy ur green tea kit kat? i can't seem to find them anywhere :(
These Kit-Kat flavors are only available in Japan :-( Recently came back with Strawberry Cheesecake Kit-Kat too!
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