Thursday, February 26, 2009

Intermix Warehouse Sale!

Bleh, I can't go because I went off in the Barney's Warehouse Sale yesterday (I only bought myself a Rag & Bone cape, but got the BF Hogan sneakers, a cashmere shirt and a John Varvatos tee! Men's is so much better than women's *sigh*). But I've heard wonderful tales of Chloe bags and DVF dresses being unearthed at wonderful prices so I hope y'all enjoy!


cd_mfo said...

Rag & Bone cape!!! How much?! How lucky!!!

celine said...

Eeek the cape was not so cheap, around $140 I think. But I think it's gonna stand the test of time so I thought it'd be worth the "investment"!

cd_mfo said...

That's a good deal for a classic, plus rag & bone naman! It is an investment Cel! Heeheehee!

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