Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fun Finds for the Day: Urban Outfitters office supplies

The (not so hidden) dork in me has always adored supplies. As a wee little girl with an apple-cut bob, I loved going to National Bookstore and buying colored pens and brightly covered notebooks. As a working adult, I still love digging around Staples (and um, the office supplies closet at work) for color-coordinated files, Post-Its and labels to make my personal hellhole a bit more heavenly.
So I was overjoyed to see some uber cute and kitschy supplies on the Urban Outfitters website. Those allergic to mundane electonics will love these cute finds.
Check out this adoooorable sushi 1GB flash drive priced at $50. The price is steep, I know so I wouldn't buy it for myself, but would love it if my colleagues chipped in to get me one *hint hint*
It would be awesome to have one of these babies by my side: a retro USB standfan for a mere $15. (Update: I saw the real thing in the Urban Outfitters store, and it's a tad too big for my taste. Just a shade smaller, skinnier and dainty would've been just perfect.)

This next one is TOO. FREAKIN. CUTE. I really want one, especially since Mika is soon off on one of his long travels and it would be nice to see each other while we Skype. This is THE most adorable webcam I've ever seen. Unfortunately for MAC-heads, it is only PC compatible (niner niner niiiiiner ... ). I've never felt so fortunate to still be PC-bound! This Retro Web Cam will set you back $35. Worth it I think!

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