Monday, April 06, 2009

they're baaaaack ...

I've never been a huge fan of The Hills. I never really got it. But tonight I tuned in for the first episodes of the new season and was actually pretty enthralled with all the dramz. I was pretty fascinated with the seeming LC-Heidi reunion followed by LC just being pissed off the morning after that Heidi was there. So was the tearful reunion just a result of martini-stirred emotions? I can definitely relate to that as my poor sweetie has been the victim of many of my teary drunken episodes.

Anyway, The Hills is definitely entertaining. I'm endlessly distracted though by how much of a Barbie doll Heidi looks like now. It's kinda freaky.

I might be in danger of getting hooked on this though. I mean hey, they've been doing this show for yeeeears now so these people are getting to be pretty good actors! The season seems pretty entertaining. Or is my absolute lack of sleep making me think things? Ok enough, turning off the drama and going to bed now ...


4EverShop said...

i hope it will be available in romania soon

celine said...

It's not?! Oh poor you! A year ago I would've said you're not missing much, but it's actually quite entertaining. And the spin-off, The City, is another interesting one to watch. Soon, I hope, for Romania!

jacquihco said...

The Hills is TOTALLY my guilty pleasure!

The drama is even BETTER (read: worse) on the original 2 seasons of Laguna Beach which i still love watching!!! :)

I can't believe you just hopped onto the bandwagon now!

Yes, Heidi looked so different before! You should check out Laguna Beach episodes to see what she originally looks like.

LOL!!! Love eeeet.

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