Saturday, March 14, 2009


I have a love-hate relationship with affogato. Affogato literally means "choked" in Italian, but refers to a heavenly concoction where ice cream is coated in a deluge of strong espresso (I exaggerate, it's just a shot, but deluge sounded so good).

The thing is, I stopped drinking coffee last Spring, so any small bit of caffeine affects me in a major way. Last night, I had dinner with some friends at Nizza, an Italian restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. It was supposed to be an early night for me but I couldn't resist ordering the nutella ice cream affogato. How could I? It's just not fair to put the words "nutella", "ice cream" and "affogato" together. I am utterly defenseless against that.

I was rewarded with two scoops of creamy nutella ice cream topped with chocolate chips, a sliver of biscotti, and a strong dose of espresso. The dessert was absolutely fantastic and I was in heaven for the 10 minutes that I ate it. But this indulgence landed me squarely in hell for the next few hours, because I tossed and turned in my bed until about 4AM. Note to non-coffee-drinking self: nothing espresso infused after 3PM ever again, ok?

But nutella ice cream affogatos? Oh hell yeah.

Where: Nizza is located at 630 9th Avenue between 44th and 45th Streets


Lali said...

i am heading there after work!!

i am a coffee addict (and i can not believe i went all day without a single cup- no wonder i have a headache!)

thank you thank you!!

celine said...

You're welcome Lali! I totally know how you feel, I used to be a total coffee addict too (obviously there's still a little bit left despite kicking the habit). I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and if it keeps you up, well then just party the Saturday away!

Anonymous said...

ask for decaf!

celine said...

Is there such a thing as decaf espresso? I wouldn't know ...

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