Image by Heather Glison at One Love Photo
After weeks of denial, I took a good look at next month's credit card bills and my current bank balance, and then thought about the expenses of our upcoming Vegas-Grand Canyon-San Francisco-Napa Valley-Seattle trip and felt quite troubled. And then I saw this beautiful picture at this wonderful blog and just had to smile. How wonderful would it be to be that young and carefree again?
I would give anything to be that young and carefree again. :p
Btw, nice blog you have here! I read it regularly. :)
ha ha we all have been there, I still am there! But you know what, as hokey as this sounds, when you don't focus on $$ and don't think as every spend as a sacrifice, it tends to flow better. Plus we are not anywhere near the *peak* of our earning power :-)
x o x o
P.s. we could always barter on the strip "I'll get you a UN-approved Visa and Free banking if you upgrade our room!"
Too precious.
They say that women that don't think about money tend to be happier than woman that do (I heard this tidbit on one of those dumb, fluffy early morning news shows). How do you stop thinking about money? I mean...seriously?
And are the ones that don't think about money just happy because they're living in an ignorance-while-I-run-up-monster-debt-is-bliss sort of lifestyle? *scratches head*
ha ha you got me chloe! Being a type-A to the max, I never understood it either, but for some reason those fluffballs are on to something! ... lol
Kix - thank you for the comment! I checked out your blog too. Good stuff! Keep blogging!
Sonu - I really hope you're right! I know what you mean though. I just need to stop stressing. But I do need to keep my wits about me sometimes because I do go overboard and I see the bills and I'm like, "Wha the? WHO DID THAT?!" Argh.
Chloe - I've seen some of those chicks on MTV Real Life: "I'm a Shoppaholic." Some chick ran up a $10K debt on her parents' credit card, and then you see her steal her disabled mom's plastic and try to charge a $800 worth of Juicy track suits, dresses and jeans on in. Wha the f*ck?!?
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